Thursday, 22 March 2012

The Lizard's Don Giovanni

I was having a siesta in a pension in Sevilla when a gecko came in through the window. Just as I was drifting into sleep I heard the duet of Don Giovanni and Zerlina "La ci darem la mano". I thought, My God, that gecko can't half sing, and I opened my eyes and saw the gecko looking at me, probably thinking, My God, that woman can sing two parts at the same time. Apart from my war adventures it's the only true story I've written. Although I have to admit I elaborated it a bit. 
This will be published in my first chapbook Kate Moss & Other Heroines, Black Scat Books November, 2012

For those who don’t know Don Giovanni here is the duet. There are more professional
performances online but I think this is charming.

1 comment:

  1. That was rather funny. I mean the gecko and you. I sometimes wonder what animals think. :-)
